Business Services

Business Services

Sell your old business tech for cash, save big on new tech for your business: Partner with iPoint today!

Do you have a business with aging, excess, or overstock electronics? Or maybe your business is relocating or closing? iPoint offers bulk buyback programs, liquidation programs, and ongoing technology services for business. We’ve helped many businesses through a number of programs we offer. Our most popular service is a tailor buyback program. Trade in your old devices when you upgrade, then contact us for an easy and safe way to upgrade.

Business Services
Schools, Colleges and Universities
Districts and Government Agencies

SMEs & Business Services

In today’s age, technology is moving at the speed of light; faster smartphones, tablets, and laptops are being released to market several times per quarter. As a business owner, you know staying competitive involves utilizing today’s technology. But, what happens to yesterday’s technology?

iPoint can offer custom tailored programs for your business to reduce the cost on new technology by bulk purchasing your used and damaged devices; all with strict data privacy.

We can develop a drop-off or pickup program with payment made in full to you or your company all with full data privacy.

Schools, Colleges & Universities

Your districts and institutions are educating the future generations one class at a time. As your technology’s curriculum advances, so does the need for your computers, servers, classroom, office electronics and more. That leaves your institution with aging, depreciating electronics. We can help by purchasing these electronics from you.

iPoint can help put much needed cash back into your district or institution by custom tailoring bulk buyback programs that fit your needs, when you need them. We offer pickup/logistical services and offer prompt payment on the spot.

We can also visit your local schools and talk to your students, parents and staff about the importance of data privacy, re-purposing electronics, and preventing toxic chemicals from entering our earth by recycling old tech.

Districts & Government Agencies

State, County and Local governments and their operations require the upgrading of electronic equipment, and the need to liquidate the damaged or outdated equipment. We can help by offering a fast, secure, and data private way to exchange your electronics for cash.

iPoint can offer a custom tailored bulk purchase program for your used/damaged devices, all with strict data privacy.

Want to know more about our Business Services?